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Adobe to buy Macromedia

updated by rck, 2005-04-18
Adobe to buy Macromedia

Adobe and Macromedia. For years, they've been fighting for users of the same market. Both into creative products, both having similar products. Macromedia Dreamweaver dominated Adobe Pagemill (and later Adobe GoLive, which Adobe acquired in 1999). Adobe Illustrator dominated Macromedia Freehand. And Adobe never got LiveMotion -- its Macromedia Flash rival -- really running.

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Austrian Toilet Art

updated by rck, 2005-03-21
Austrian Toilet Art

It is very impressive how certain Austrian groups know where they belong to. During our first “Photo club” photo-shooting today, klwe and I found a toilet on the Leopoldsberg.

I think, that the caption “NS Art” absolutely fits on toilets. Congratulations to the artists for that!

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